Good book

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Explaining and Understanding International Relations ハードカバー – 1990/9/13
Martin Hollis
Steve Smith
A collaboration between a philosopher and an international relations scholar, this work examines the philosophical issues that underlie the theory of international relations. Part I focuses on the dominant theories of Idealism, Realism, and behavioralism, and Part II examines the international system, the state, bureaucracies, and the individual--four factors commonly assumed to account for international behavior. The authors conclude with a summary of the links between the two forms of analysis and an open-ended assessment of their relative merits which will stimulate further discussion.
- 本の長さ233ページ
- 言語英語
- 出版社Oxford Univ Pr
- 発売日1990/9/13
- 寸法14.3 x 1.91 x 22.38 cm
- ISBN-100198275889
- ISBN-13978-0198275886
- 出版社 : Oxford Univ Pr (1990/9/13)
- 発売日 : 1990/9/13
- 言語 : 英語
- ハードカバー : 233ページ
- ISBN-10 : 0198275889
- ISBN-13 : 978-0198275886
- 寸法 : 14.3 x 1.91 x 22.38 cm
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 570,633位洋書 (洋書の売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 1,718位International Law (洋書)
- - 2,200位Popular Social Psychology & Interactions
- カスタマーレビュー:
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星5つ68%32%0%0%0%68%
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上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
Thomas Doyle2014年1月18日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 An effective comparison of two analytical approaches
Amazonで購入Hollis and Smith's book, now somewhat two decades old, still serves as a useful contrast in ways of approaching the study of international politics. It is well written, tightly argued, and provocative.
Amazon Customer2013年4月1日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち4.0 Incisive, theory driven approach
Amazonで購入Having just completed this work as part of self-preparation for an entrance exam to a Master's program in IR, I would like to concur with the first reviewer's points (2002 review) and add what I hope is a salient point. For pure theorists, this is an excellent analysis of competing views of IR philosophy. I would caution, however, that this book is not for the faint of heart. Even a more-than-casual student may be put off by the lack of case studies- in a nine-chapter book, it is not until we approach Game Theory in chapter six that more than passing reference is made to application. And, it should be noted, since the book was published in 1991, the case-study in question is the USSR. To be fair, the authors make no pretensions that they are writing a collection of case-studies. Those prepared to invest some brain-power in studying this book will come away with a deep understanding of arguments for and against nearly every theory of IR, within the constraints of publication date. Martin and Hollis's work would benefit from a look at the more recent developments in IR, including the rise of non-state actors over the last two decades, but this is a problem of chronology, not an inherent flaw in their work.
Bill Tell2012年3月5日に英国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち4.0 A Good Combination of Authors
Amazonで購入The strength of this book lies in the combination of authors and the insight you get from following the complementary and differing elements of their respective approaches to International Relations. There is nothing new or ground-breaking here but it provides clear perspectives on the problems at the heart of studying this field whilst leaving you to make up your own mind about it all.
This is an excellent introduction. For anyone wanting to progress to a more comprehensive and contemporary survey, but one that is still eminently readable and clear, I would recommend Savigny and Marsden "Doing Political Science and International Relations"