中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
本年鉴主要对当年海内外儒学研究的现状、进展、动态、 公开发表的专著和论文,以及儒学研究机构、开展各项活动等,按照客观、全面、准确的原则进行介绍.
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
This volume of the China Environment Yearbook is the fourth in the seminal series by China's first environmental NGOs, Friends of Nature.
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
本书主要包含中国思想史介绍、中国思想经典中英文对照选本以及中外学者对中国思想文化的英文评述三方面内容。从早期经典、儒家、道家、佛家等专题布局,分章节呈现各流派的 ...
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
Ben shu fen she"song ming ru xue zhuan ti", "ru jia yu zhong guo jiao yu chuan tong", "ru xue san lun"san ge lan mu, Shou lu lewu zhan liang:zhu zi li qi lun xin quan, meng pei yuan:tan tan kong zi de jiao yu li nian, xu yi ming:lun zao qi ...
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
Featuring contributions from the world's most highly esteemed Asian philosophy scholars, this important new encyclopedia covers the complex and increasingly influential field of Chinese thought, from earliest recorded times to the present ...
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
本書所探討的是大學通識教育的理念,及其在現階段國內高等教育環境中的落實問題。本書初版於1999年,經校訂後重出新版。 ...
中国儒学年鉴 = China Confucianism yearbook from books.google.com
Chinese academic yearbook. Ren wen she hui ke xue ban. 学和高等实验研究院攻读 ... 儒学联合会副理事长、美国易经学会主席,国际易学联合会副会长等。 1973 年创办英文《中国哲学季刊》( Journal of Chinese ... 中国学术年鉴(人文社会科学版) 2004.