地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
Containment and permeable reactive barriers have come full circle as an acceptable environmental control technology during the past 30 years.
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
This book provides the reader with the comprehensive view necessary to understand and critically evaluate the design, implementation, and monitoring of phytoremediation at sites characterized by contaminated groundwater.
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
... 地下水的管制標準更低,因此有效整治方法也一直是國際上重要關注的問題。一個成功的地下水整治,對於污染物特性及傳輸、調查方法與鑑識、整治技術 ... ground water),探討地下水中 DNAPL 的傳輸、調查、整治、風險等面向的議題。圖 1 ... Journal of Contaminant ...
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
... ground water flow analyses [ J ] . Ground Water , 2007,45 ( 6 ) : 664-671 ... journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics , 2007,31 ( 15 ) ... 地下水中のヒ素濃度変化の解析を例として[ J ] . Journal of Ground Water Tech ...
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
In 2007, the world's urban population surpassed the number of people living in rural areas and is still growing. The number of city dwellers who do not have access to piped water and rely on groundwater is also increasing.
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
國立雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心. estimator: a revisit, Adv. Water Resour., 25, 773-781. 43.Wang, C. H., H. W. Yeh, P. S. Tsai, and S. F. Wu, Hydrogen stable isotope determination of water samples by zinc shot reduction ...
地下水技術 = Journal of ground water technology from books.google.com
This book bridges the historical dichotomy between the hydrogeologic perspective of permeability as a static material property and the perspective of other Earth scientists who have long recognized permeability as a dynamic parameter that ...