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Dieses Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf eine anregende Reise rund um die Welt der Statistik.
統計 from books.google.com
Part I of the book presents a large selection of activities for introductory statistics courses and has chapters such as 'First week of class'— with exercises to break the ice and get students talking; then descriptive statistics, ...
統計 from books.google.com
... 統計学』丸善 Rの基礎も書きつつ、統計メイン。医療に関する例が中心ではあるが、医療以外の分野にも有用。充実した解説がなされている。(4) B.エヴェリット著,石田基広他訳,2007,『RとS-PLUSによる多変量解析』シュプリンガー・ジャパン統計メイン。Rの ...
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Statistics, 2nd Edition teaches statistics with a modern, data-analytic approach that uses graphing calculators and statistical software.
統計 from books.google.com
, Moore 1978). This book offers a comprehensive guide to large sample techniques in statistics.
統計 from books.google.com
The book is highly applied—more of a "how to" guide—with statistical theory limited to what is needed to understand the basic ideas.