Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
An important tool for students and scholars, this volume will also be of particular interest to those readers studying population migration and rural communities.
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
Presenting Wilkinson’s groundbreaking work in its original form, with a new foreword aimed at clarifying several key concepts in interactional theory, this edition of The Community in Rural America will appeal to new students of the ...
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
By describing the special characteristics and needs of rural populations as well as the features they share with urban America, this book clearly demonstrates that a more accurate picture of nonmetropolitan life is essential to ...
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
This book examines the causes and consequences of major social and economic changes affecting rural communities and populations during the first decades of the twenty-first century, and explores policies developed to ameliorate problems or ...
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
This is not new, as rural decline has been affected by the long-term shift from an agriculturally based economy to a service based economy.
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
The volume follows in the tradition of "decennial volumes" co-edited by presidents of the Rural Sociological Society and published in the Society's Rural Studies Series.
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
This book is dedicated to the people of rural America whose struggle to make community meaningful provides important lessons.
Population and community in rural America from books.google.com
This book examines how America's diverse rural communities use their various capitals to address the modern challenges that face them.