The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
This is the ideal textbook for students studying social psychology.
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
Issues in Social Psychology and Conflict Resolution: 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Social Psychology and Conflict Resolution.
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
Issues for 1904-47 include the Proceedings of the society.
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
Issues for 1920-1947 include the proceedings of the society.
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
"This book will be a very valuable tool for students and professionals alike who wish to learn theories in social psychology and the role they have played in the development of the discipline.
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
This comprehensive volume covers all the essential dynamics of group processes and intergroup relations, ranging from group formation, norms, social influence and leadership to group aggression, prejudice, solidarity, intergroup contact and ...
The British journal of social psychology from books.google.com
Revisiting the Classic Studies in Social Psychology traces 12 ground-breaking studies by researchers such as Asch, Festinger, Milgram, Sherif, Tajfel and Zimbardo to re-examine and reflect on their findings and engage in a lively discussion ...