
The assault on poverty, and individual responsibility

edited by R.M. MacIver. -- The Institute for Religious and Social Studies, 1965. -- (Religion and civilization series). <BB00467174>

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0001 豊橋図書館 豊図第1書庫3階洋 M270:14 8712401153
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所蔵館 豊橋図書館
配架場所 豊図第1書庫3階洋
請求記号 M270:14
資料ID 8712401153
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標題および責任表示 The assault on poverty, and individual responsibility / edited by R.M. MacIver
出版・頒布事項 New York : The Institute for Religious and Social Studies , c1965
形態事項 x, 154 p. ; 21 cm
書誌構造リンク Religion and civilization series <>//a
内容著作注記 The responsibility is ours / R. M. MacIver
内容著作注記 Providing for the dependent / Philip Sokol
内容著作注記 The educator and the child of poverty / Robert A. Dentler
内容著作注記 The problem of the unemployed / Oscar A. Ornati
内容著作注記 The aged poor / Mitchell M. Waife
内容著作注記 The ailing poor / George James
内容著作注記 Prejudice and the culture of poverty / Clarence Senior
内容著作注記 The road to understanding / Edgar May
内容著作注記 The role of the local community / Jerome Liblit
内容著作注記 New institutions for needs old and new / Daniel Patrick Moynihan
内容著作注記 The problem of large-scale welfare services / Richard A. Cloward
内容著作注記 Illumination of these problems from Puerto Rico / Rosa Estades
内容著作注記 United States affluence and poverty-stricken lands / Jane M. Hoey
学情ID BA09081694
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Institute for Religious and Social Studies <>
著者標目リンク MacIver, Robert M. (Robert Morrison), 1882-1970 <AU00093827>
件名標目等 Poor -- United States
件名標目等 Public welfare -- United States